Random Fact of the Day...Online Version 2.0


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Yaba-Daba- Do!

Fact- The Flintstones were originally supposed to be called the Flagstones and were prime-time tv's first animated series. The show ran for only 6 seasons, but can still be seen in re-runs.

The Simpsons are very thankful.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Fact- In England, on your 80th, 90th, and 100th birthdays, you get a telegram from the Queen.

Happy Birthday Ned Doty


Fact- there are three acceptable forms of the plural for octopus: octopi, octopusses, and octopods.


Fact- It takes a starfish a year to regrow a leg after it is lost. And they can regrow up to 3 legs at a time.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Fact- The most common birthday is October 5, which happens to be nine months after New Year's Eve

happy birthday to one of my absolute favorites


fact- The term "cop" comes from the fact that originally, the NYPD didn't wear uniforms, but were distinguished by their copper badges

Whats in a name?

Fact- Supposedly, if your name is Isabella you can visit the Isabella Stuart Gardiner museum for free

Luxury...sort of

Fact- Finnish prisons have saunas for the prisoners


Fact- The difference between folk tales and fairy tales is that all fairy tales have magic in them

Many Words

Fact- Cat in the Hat took Dr. Suess 9 months to write. It has less than 300 words.

Smell Much?

Fact- the e-nose, a NASA olefactory device, can, among other things, smell the difference between coke and pepsi

nariz_mec Technology News: Electronic Nose


Fact- Ferengi, the name of a Star Trek alien race is also the Persian word for "foreigner"

Super Mario!

Fact- Monday, 13 September was the 25th birthday of Super Mario!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Taking a brief hiatus from random fact of the day until things calm down with work and school. sorry!